Start of Week 4 Statistics

Money– £8,442
Woohoo– 9/10
Babies– 6 sons, 2 daughters
Skills-Logic 3, Charisma 9
Job-Intern (medical level 4)
LTR– 7,936
Aim: Try for a baby with 10 different Sims, pay 5,000 for each baby, get fertility treatment .


Hi Alex.
It’s me again. I know. less than a week has passed and I’m writing again. You know what that means? Uhhuh. Yes I did it. I have slept with 10 women.
And miss Shirley Lin’s the lucky number 10. She’s the one whos dating Julianne, aka number 7. Julianne seems to approve. You want the bedroom pics. Course you do.


I think that’s all of them.


Next stop was to go and see my new twin daughters. Marie and Jami. Their my boss’ Marisol Lobos daughters. She doesn’t want me to see them again though. Trying to pass them off as her husband’s. Can’t blame her really. She has 2 children already and doesn’t want to rock the boat. Besides parenthood seems to b so hard. COnstantly worryng about changing nappy’s, and getting the bottle temperature just right. Then making sure the food is just right mushed texture, and crying all hours, the annoyance of school and homework, and teenagers. Remember how we were as teenagers. Like I want to be around that. Better off that they raise them by themselves. I can’t handle that. Can’t handle the commitment to them long term.


Then of course it was a quick trip to the Jennings house to meet another son. Tennille had given birth to Kent. Strange that she called him Kent, her older con with a her long ter boyfriend is called Kenton. Strange how women’s minds work after giving birth.


Then I went over to meet my last baby. Stuart Lin. He’s a cutie isn’t he? Well tey all are I suppose. It’s then that I found out the bad news.
There’dbeen a car accident, Shirley had been driving with Darrel to try and get him to sleep and had swerved to avoid something on the road, and hit another car, which Anita Lobos was driving with her little sisters in. My twin daughters. And well there were 2 fatalities. Two deaths. Two of my poor babies are gone. I only saw Darrel and Marie once and now I’ll never see them again. I don’t know what to do. I’ve acheived the pact, and yet it now seem so meaningless. Stange how 26 days can change your life. 26 days ago life was so simple, all I could think about was how to bed 10 women. And now I have. Now I have 10 children. And 2 graves. How could life go like this?
Should we have made the pact at all?
Should I insist on seeing my babies? Insist on being part of their lives. On being a proper dad. Do I even have it in me to be a dad. A dad to 10 children. A kind of half step father to two teenagers. Should I even get involved in the whole mess that it would be, especially with Jami and Kent, having proper dads already. Even if they aren’t genetically theirs?
I don’t know what to do. I really don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I can handle being part of their lives. But then I’m not sure I can handle being part of their lives. Why did everything ahve to get so complicated? Why couldn’t have a simple teenage pact stayed simple? Why’d my babies, have to die? Was it all to test me somehow? All some cruel way to makeme see hosw pointless and shallow my life was. Make me realise what I should be. How I should be. Make me realise my life needed to change somehow? Oh Alex help me please!


P.S. How’d you like the family tree?

Day 26 score. Final score.

Money– 9,502
Woohoo-Pink, Theresa, Sabrina Adams, Annie Adams, Tammy Adams, Candy Adams, Julianne Mukerjee, Marisol Lobas, Tennille Jennings, Shirley Lin
Babies– Pink-Lincoln (b), Theresa – Nathanial (b), Sabrina – Andrea (b), Annie – Janel, Stacia(gg), Tammy – Vince (b), Candy Adams – Claudio (b), Julianne Mukerjee – Darrel (bd), Marisol Lobas – Jami, Marie (ggd), Tennile Jennings – Kent (b) Shirley Lin – Stuart (b)       8 boys and 4 girls
-Logic 4, Charisma 9
Job-Resident (medical l5)
LTR– 17,920 Fertility treatment, eye candy, inappropriate in a good way, multi-tasker, observant, office hero, profesionnal slacker, steel bladder

Raj Bebeadeh Week 3

Peggy-Sue Evil Week 1
Next SOTM Challenge