I have started doing Pinstar’s Challenges, the rules and Sims of which can be found here

Basically every month Pinstar uploads a new Sim, each with their own set of objectives and restrictions to meet. The score is calculated by how many days it takes to complete each Sims goals, making it better to complete the goals quickly.
I hope I will be able to beat Moondaisy’s and Mixreality’s score. Their blog links can be found in the sidebar.

Below is a list of the Sims I’m currently doing in the challenge. Clicking the name will take you to the page with more info on the character and a list of their parts. Alternatively you can use the side bar catergories to navigate.

Gordon Loadsworth finished in 31 days
Theresa Dolphina finished in 28 days
Raj Bebedadeh finished in 26 days
Peggy-Sue Evil finished in 28 days
Gregory Manchilde finished in 30 days
Mausea Twitchford finished in 34 daysRatsnip neighbourhood updates