
I hide like a scared little mouse. Just like my name suggests. Mausea Twitchford. Ironic really I suppose. Is that the right word?


I found myself living alone for the first time ever. An inherited house. An inherited past. An inherited fear of everything, and anything that could go bump in the night. I’m not stupid, I know that there are things out there just waiting, lurking in the shadows. And there is only place that could do anything about it.


I go to work at the science facility like I always have done. It doesn’t pay well, but I like working with plants. There’s something so therapeutic about them. Besides I’m pretty sure they won’t hurt me, they just help in all sort of strange and magical ways. Most of which I’m sure us mere Sims haven’t even discovered yet.


Of course like normal after work I wondered over to the great looming military base. Excitement and trepidation rising inside me, like a pan of sauce boiling over inside my stomach. I’d dared to go inside once. Theresa’ Dolphina’s warning about the end o f the world was ringing in the entire neighbourhoods ears. But they stopped believing. I didn’t, I thought that if I joined the army I’d be able to do something about the prophecy. Renew the story. Help them to stop it, make them believe it was real. Then I met the recruitment officer and my leg couldn’t carry me fast enough.


Then I caught sight of something in the corner of my eye in the distance. A garden. An oasis of colour and smells I could imagine.


When I was there I just couldn’t help myself. The fruits on the trees looked so delicious, I just couldn’t help myself. I just longed to taste them.


And to see them grow in my garden at home. Then I spotted these seeds and I just had to know what they would become.


I was so sure nobody was watching. I was being so reckless and brave for me. When this guy came out of this house. He actually said it was alright for me to take the fruit, which was nice, said he was an astronaut and before I knew it I was telling him my dreams and conspiracy theories. then he told me that he and his wife were divorcing and he needed a place to stay, and seeing as he had a spare room, he could move in there. In return he ould rush through my application at the base. I just found myself nodding along in agreement and asking him to move in, like somehow it was my idea in the first place. Or was it my idea? It doesn’t seem like me.


So Ned arrived later that same day with slightly more intelligent luggage than one usually wanted. ” Well I said I was divorced, and divorced men always have children. Plus she’s a useless mother. Doesn’t give two stars about them. Fobs them off with a nanny. There better off with us.” he said. I didn’t like to point out that unless he was going to give up work the four girls would be in the same situation as before, just with less toys. It’s best not to have confrontations. There scary, and never go how you want.


So rather shockingly and expectantly if I am thinking right. And who knows what things from up there could be doing to anybodies thoughts right now I think I am an accomplice to kidnap, and am somehow on my way to saving the world from sort of disaster. I only wish I knew what. Well the military is the heart of all conspiracy theories and weird happenings so if anyone can save the world it’s them. And now I guess me.

What’s that noise at the door?

  • Door locked? Check.
  • Windows shut? Check.
  • Lights off? Check.
  • emergency escape pack under the bed? Check.
  • Duvet over head? Check.

Ratsnip Update Week 22

Mausea Twitchford Week 2 part 1